We, the Network of the Family-Friendly Presidents consider the beginning of each and every year a proper time to learn from the past and plan for the future, renew our optimism and hope, and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead and issues that are important to us.

We raise our voice, on this occasion for the importance of families in today's world. We are convinced that families are the foundation of our society, the source of our values, and the strength of our nations. The family provides support, guidance and love and shapes our character and identity. The family is also the best environment for raising children, who define the paths of our nations and shape the future of our globe. Strong families guarantee the culture of responsibility which contribute to sustainability and diminish the threats of climate change.

We believe that families deserve protection, assistance and recognition from states and societies. Therefore, we strongly support policies that promote the well-being of families, and strengthen family cohesion, provide a supportive environment to family foundation, enable women to strive both as mothers and professionals, uplift those in need, and provide a secure future for children.

We encourage our citizens, in this New Year to continue to nurture the family as the most important institution in our societies, and reach out to those in need. Let’s make a difference for our families, and thus for our countries.

From our family to yours, we wish you peace, prosperity, health, and a happy New Year. 

Katalin Novák, President of Hungary
Aleksandar Vučić, President of the Republic of Serbia
Rumen Radev, President of the Republic of Bulgaria